Seeking Salt Water
The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea. ~Isak Dinesen
My recent up and down and mood swinging fun since the struggle-bus ride through meditation practice has seen me use the power of two of those three cures. I wish I could say I was able to visit the sea, but I did cry my share of tears as well as sweat my butt off at yoga.
Do I have any more insight as to what led to my downward spiral? No.
Do I feel better? Yes.
Score one for the practice of tapas, and by this - I mean self-discipline, not the snacking appetizer variety. Tapas is a word that has several interpretations - most often thought of the way I just did, but can also refer to an internal fire. It resides within the Niyamas - ethical guidelines for dealing with ourselves - the Yamas provide us with guides for how to deal with others.
Tapas literally means heat, but can be translated to mean catharsis, or spiritual effort. It is that part of you that forces you to go workout when you don't want to. The part that stays committed to a dietary restriction in spite of being presented with a dish you know you would love to devour. It is a beacon, much like a lighthouse, guiding you to the path you need most.
I know now that the dip in mood might have been because I was trying to pour out from an empty cup. Staying committed to my practice helped me refill - and it helped to bring me out of my doldrums.
Break down or break open - sometimes you need heat and salt water to do both.
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