I Am My Family's Grinch

There, I said it.

I am my family's Grinch. While I don't steal Christmas - I don't do much to get all into it. Thanksgiving is my thing - no gifts to buy, just lots and lots of good food.

This year, like years past - my family has procrastinated in getting our tree up. If it ever comes to pass that we have a tree up BEFORE Thanksgiving, I have failed in my duties - but that doesn't mean I am putting the tree up Thanksgiving weekend.


I don't allow it until December 1st. Somehow, this is my mom turf and no one has yet to push me off it.

No Christmas music is allowed before December 1st either.

See? Grinchy.

Not stealing, but limiting.

This year - my rules about decorating for Christmas, combined with our tendency to procrastinate, and the fact that it is after all the year 2020 - may end up meaning we do not have a tree AT ALL this year. 

I felt a wave of shame as I wrote the last nine words of that sentence.

But there it is. No tree. All our normal sources have sold out. We didn't go to get one until the 20th... so admittedly we were pretty super late to the game. Chalk it up to not even considering it possible for this to happen that we let this happen.

Please know, in my Grinchy fashion, I am not mad about it.

Ironically, I usually decorate the tree - and UN-decorate it, which is a thankless job that feels like punishment anyway. So fine. No tree. I'm good. 

I mean. Why SHOULDN'T this be our cherry on top of the poop sundae we're all going to feel a little righteously entitled to equate the year to?

When I decorate the tree with help, there's Christmas music, some arguing, probably reluctantly posed-for photo taking, and maybe some wine or cocoa. So yeah, that part is fun and I do enjoy it. We can do it without bringing a once-live tree into our living room, right? I mean, we all know what happens with the Grinch in that famous story, right? Spoiler alert: He takes the decorations and presents and all that stuff and Christmas comes ANYWAY. 

Sure it isn't traditional. Sure it will be weird - but so what if we don't have a tree? 

We have so many other things that MATTER. Like my Aunt Dee's Christmas cookies. I'm only half-kidding about listing them first. I'll be honest, they won't last until Christmas Wednesday. Aside from yummy treats, a tree is not more important than my family's health, or the roof over our heads. So as best as my Grinchy heart will allow, I promise to eat the cookies, listen to the music, sing the carols, give the gifts, send the greetings and do the things that bring joy.


  1. Ha! Especially appropriate to read this after subbing for Santa today. Also, we are completely un-decored for Christmas but I'm so happy it's coming...then going. 😜

  2. It's not over till the Fat Santa ho-ho-ho's. Our Whoville home may yet have a tree.


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